Lunch Ordering
CMCS partners with Georgetown County School District to bring delicious, healthful meals to our students. Because CMCS does not have food preparation equipment, a pre-order system is necessary via Google meal order form, which must be completed and submitted by 10 am, the Friday preceding the meals. Please see the weekly newsletter for the link to the currently active order form.
GCSD Meal Pricing
GCSD Meal Pricing is as follows:
- Reduced Breakfast: $.30
- Breakfast: $1.25
- Reduced Lunch: $.40
- Elementary & Intermediate Lunch: $2.00
- Middle & High Lunch: $2.25
- Adult breakfast prices: $ 2.50
- Adult lunch prices: $ 4.00
If you want your student to eat breakfast at school, then select “Yes” under each day that you want your child to eat breakfast. If you do not want your child to eat breakfast on a certain day or everyday – don’t select anything.
Includes milk – If you want your student to eat school lunch, then select “Yes” under each day that you want your child to eat school lunch. If you do not want your child to eat school lunch on a certain day or everyday – don’t select anything.
Milk Only
$0.50 – Your child may bring $0.50 to the cafeteria to purchase milk on any given day. No need to pre-order milk only.
There is no need to send payment in with your child each day that they are eating lunch. You will receive an invoice at the end of each month for all meals ordered.
Free and Reduced Lunch
If you think you may qualify for free or reduced meals at school, please complete the Free and Reduced Meal Application and return it to the front office for processing. A letter will be sent home notifying you if you qualify. Please note that this qualification does not carry from year to year and the application must be submitted each year.